

Culture does not create behavior


By Managing Behavior, you Create a Performing Culture

From Strategy to Delivery

Making Decisions Count

Executive Intent is a success philosophy, a repeatable, proven approach, and a company helping companies to change rapidly, perform consistently, with fewer false starts, through uniform decision making in line with their own executive intent.

Featured Blog Post

The CIO is Dead! Long live the CIO!

Executive Intent

In a business’s life, the values which guide how a business makes decisions is more important than any other factor, as it shapes behavior and determines your success culture.

Unique Approach - Consistent Success

We look at business in a totally different way. We don’t look at business as projects and budgets, but rather as a systemic inter-relationship of human behavior - behavior, that when understood, can be managed to radically change how you work, optimizing the performance. 

-- Strategy execution through executive intent

We avoid being involved in “fire-fighting”, but preferably, build “sprinkler systems”. Rather than concentrate on the individual projects, we concentrate on identifying and improving the systemic, cultural, organizational, or behavioral characteristics that impede effective delivery of business value through information technology, leveraging your existing wealth of talent, and getting everyone making decisions for the same reasons and in line with core decision values.

-- Turning executive intent into action.

Our track record speaks for itself. With over $2B in tangible, measured savings delivered, and a clientele that includes more than 2 dozen Fortune 1000 companies - including 5 Fortune 100s - and as small as start up organizations, we can bring real value, in very short timeframes, to your organization.

Strategic Planning and Follow Through

Quick, concise, actionable - strategic planning is the foundation to establishing business direction .... and the appropriate operations and technology  - enabling the business to drive to their future and succeed in their goals. 

Follow Through - where the real value lies

But unless the organization can effectively execute this strategy, the value is not there. 

This is where we can really help.

And that is just the start point

See how we can make YOUR operation more effective.

Enjoy the ever evolving content of this site, as we explore some of the learnings and successes experienced.

Kirk Rheinlander, President and Founder

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"There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its' success, then to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things." 

-  Machiavelli